Kids' Books for Spooky Season!
Spooky season is finally here! Fall and Halloween picture books are some of our favorites and we have lots of kid-approved recommendations. Here are the books featured on our latest Instagram post!
The Lonely Scarecrow by Tim Preston

A lonely scarecrow with a scary face has trouble making friends with the animals who surround him, until a heavy snowfall transforms him into a jolly snowman.
Fall Walk by Virginia Brimhall Snow

Learn about autumn leaves through a lyrical tale with illustrations and activities.
With beautiful illustrations and a lyrical narrative, Virginia Snow takes children on a fun and educational adventure. Take a stroll through the woods and learn to identify 24 different kinds of leaves by their shapes and autumn colors. At the end of the day, learn how to press the gathered leaves and how to make a leaf rubbing.
With beautiful illustrations and a lyrical narrative, Virginia Snow takes children on a fun and educational adventure. Take a stroll through the woods and learn to identify 24 different kinds of leaves by their shapes and autumn colors. At the end of the day, learn how to press the gathered leaves and how to make a leaf rubbing.
Even Monsters Need Haircuts by Matthew McElligott

Just before midnight, on the night of a full moon, a young barber stays out past his bedtime to go to work. Although his customers are mostly regulars, they are anything but normal-after all, even monsters need haircuts. Business is steady all night, and this barber is prepared for anything with his scissors, rotting tonic, horn polish, and stink wax. It's a tough job, but someone's got to help these creatures maintain their ghoulish good looks. Perfect for Halloween, this is a hilarious story about a boy who follows in his father's footsteps . . . in his own monstrously unique way.
Bone Soup by Cambria Evans

Known across the land for his infamous appetite, Finnigin is never seen without his eating stool, his eating spoon, and his gigantic eating mouth.
When Finnigin finds himself in a new town on Halloween, he hopes to join a great feast with the creatures who live there. But not a body or soul will share any of their food with the ever-famished Finnigin. So what's a hungry skeleton to do? Armed only with his wits and a special ingredient, will Finnigin be able to stir up a
When Finnigin finds himself in a new town on Halloween, he hopes to join a great feast with the creatures who live there. But not a body or soul will share any of their food with the ever-famished Finnigin. So what's a hungry skeleton to do? Armed only with his wits and a special ingredient, will Finnigin be able to stir up a
cauldron's worth of Halloween magic?
Does Frankenstein Get Hungry? by John Solimine

Tucked up in her bed, a little girl wonders about the creatures rumored to go bump in the night. But instead of pulling the covers over her head, she comes up with a list of important questions, like:
Does Frankenstein get hungry?
Does Dracula floss his fangs?
Does the boogeyman have boogers?
Does the thing that lives beneath my bed get lonely under there?
With each inquiry, the little girl's confidence grows--proving monsters are no match for her imagination!
Does Frankenstein get hungry?
Does Dracula floss his fangs?
Does the boogeyman have boogers?
Does the thing that lives beneath my bed get lonely under there?
With each inquiry, the little girl's confidence grows--proving monsters are no match for her imagination!
At the Old Haunted House by Helen Ketteman

At the old haunted house
In a room with no sun
Lived a warty green witch
And her wee witchy one.
There are all kinds of creatures in the house: a big Ma monster and her wee monsters two, a scrawny black cat and her wee kittens three, a green Pa goblin and his wee goblins four, and more! Count along as the creatures prepare for the Halloween Fright. The text, written in the pattern of the popular poem "Over in the Meadow," makes reading aloud fun, while the cinematic illustrations set the scene for an unforgettable romp through the old haunted house. Trick or treat!
That Monster on the Block by Sue Ganz-Schmitt

Monster is excited to see what kind of creature will move into Vampire's old house on the block. He even starts practicing his welcome growl for the new neighbor. But when the moving truck pulls up, it's not a greedy goblin, an ogre, or a dastardly dragon that steps out. Instead, it's something even more terrifying than Monster could have imagined! Monster quickly rallies the other neighbors to unite against the new guy on the block. But what if the new neighbor isn't exactly as bad as Monster thinks? Join Monster as he confronts his fears in this charming and lighthearted look at what it means to accept others who are different from us.